
The thing that needs to be done here is to increase the warehouse. Besides this thing, the construction of the most advanced and largest loading dock in China is also planned. Shifting the transport of raw materials to shipping locations is also something that needs to be done. As you can see, before people build this purpose-built pier, generally, if they want to ship the concentrate from the warehouse to the port, they are transported by truck. “Since T C business, every year there are a lot of truck traffic were saved, roughly estimate, has saved more than 130000 a year on truck traffic”, Mr T C CEO is explained. T C is five companies (manufacturers and warehouse operators) form a consortium, the five companies, including mining and port industry, at the same time, you can see, the company has been authorized official development of Peru, so it can get the necessary infrastructure construction and operation rights.

The conveyor plays an important role. What is the fpc2 conveyor? Generally speaking, the target of this conveyor is no dust delivery.

From mines in central Peru, the concentrate is transported to warehouses about three kilometers from the port. From the warehouse to the port, people need an absolutely safe connection to deliver the material. In this process, the dust entering the atmosphere needs to be avoided as much as possible. In the end, the company’s fpc1 conveyor is the company’s final decision. You can see, Mr Berman Austrian company H is a very important person, he is the direct contact of the project, the project partners: “we are with the customer, to work out the ideal solution, the head of the this solution is very important. The route we specify fits perfectly with the local terrain. So this ensures that nothing happens during the delivery.







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