Save the cost of transportation

Save the cost of transportation and, at the same time, become more environmentally friendly

The fpc1 conveyor has played a big role, and it is suitable for long-distance delivery. So it can overcome a lot of difficulties, the sharp turn and the big slope of the lift and lift path of the problem can be overcome. At the same time, it can flexibly adjust the production requirements and different terrain conditions. As you can see, the durable conveyor belt is adopted. So, it can play a big role. The different calculation procedures were adopted by berman, because of the calculation procedure, which can be used to optimize the design of the conveyor belt. This can bring great convenience to people. At the same time, the force required to analyze the tension and acceleration/braking needs to be measured, and the self-weight of the conveyor belt and the belt should be fully considered. The materials and the possible turning radius are also considered. These are very important factors. For each project, berman will provide a report that is tailored to the feasibility analysis and economic reporting. Do you know what fantastic things the fpc1 conveyor can do? It can travel through rugged terrain and obstacles, such as rivers, streets, buildings or tracks, through narrow, long lines. Whether it’s a horizontal turn or a vertical turn, they’re not a problem. Because this device can solve this problem. The open fpc2 conveyor can also be provided by berman if the demand for delivery is particularly high and the turning radius is particularly large. This fpc2 conveyor can also solve many problems, for small turning radius, Angle of 30 °, it is true. Enclosed structures can also play a large role in preventing hazardous materials from polluting the environment.

Berman installed the fpc1 conveyor in port C, Peru, a three-kilometer conveyor line. At the same time, you can see that the terrain is very high in design. It is expected to be completed in 2014, and the transmission line mainly delivers copper, lead and zinc ore concentrate. The capacity is very strong, and in general it can reach 2,300 tons per hour.



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